Explore LIST Terms

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'Ability to Work' criteria for Unemployment benefits


This category concerns the eligibility standard of a person being 'Able to Work' in order to claim unemployment benefits (unemployment insurance). This category concerns how to understand what it means to be 'able to work' or 'available to work', and how a person's application will be evaluated with this standard. The standard may differ state to state.

NSMI v1 Taxonomy:1761300
ADA Section 508 accessibility for federal government


This category covers situations when the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that federal government agencies and services -- especially their technology and information tools -- be made accessible to people with disabilities. This includes which agencies this applies to, what it requires of them in development, procurement, and maintenance, and how people can complain about it.

NSMI v1 Taxonomy:1847778
Abortion care and rights


This category covers what rights or limits a person has to access abortion care, and what resources there might be to receive medical care.

NSMI v1 Taxonomy:1590100
Accessibility rights under ADA


This category covers what rights the Americans with Disabilities Act gives to people with disabilities, to have facilities, goods, services, and technologies be made accessible to them.

NSMI v1 Taxonomy:1840101NSMI v1 Taxonomy:1840103
Accessing a juvenile criminal record


This category covers how a person can access their own juvenile criminal record, or how others can access it.

NSMI v1 Taxonomy:1490501
Accessing credit and borrowing money


This category covers issues that consumers may have in borrowing money and accessing credit. This could be regarding 'credit invisibles' (consumers who do not have credit records or scores).

NSMI v1 Taxonomy:1040100
Accidents and Torts


This category covers problems that one person has with another person (or animal), like when there is a car accident, a dog bite, bullying or possible harassment, or neighbors treating each other badly.

Legal Server Index Taxonomy:LS002-00094NSMI v1 Taxonomy:1940000NSMI v1 Taxonomy:1940099Legal Services Corporation Taxonomy:94
Accountings for Funds Spent in a Guardianship or Conservatorship


This category is about the process and consequences of accounting how money is spent on a guardianship or conservatorship.

NSMI v1 Taxonomy:1330100
Acknowledging paternity


This category concerns how a person can acknowledge paternity of a child.

NSMI v1 Taxonomy:1360102
Active Duty Claims


This category covers how a military servicemember can make claims for compensation or other issues, while they are on active duty. This could be for household goods that have been damaged, lost, or stolen, or for medical issues. This includes how to file a claim, who's eligible for them, and how to appeal or follow through on them.

NSMI v1 Taxonomy:1771100NSMI v1 Taxonomy:1771199
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